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Bobby Roy Consultancy

[bobbby roy]

Consulting Background

The construction phase in the property development process has become a platform from which the South African socio-economic state is expressed. At Bobby Roy Consulting we serve our public and private clients by positioning them as good corporate citizens and help them participate in the transformation agenda on their terms. We do this by facilitating strategic partnerships with local stakeholders and by narrating a solution-based approach that incubates corporate appreciation and inclusion.

Bobby Roy relieves clients from the stress of having to deal with the everyday frustration that comes with engaging the often aggressive and ghettoised organised people groups where development is taking place. We do this by identifying key role players and influencers in the operative area, then determine and manage expectations prior to project commencement. We forecast potential threats to the project’s schedule, develop a risk mitigation strategy, and communicate available and unavailable opportunities upfront. We create and manage a subcontractor and labour database as means to account for community impact. We further establish a genuine relationship with influencers and attend to stakeholders on behalf of our clients.

[ company strategy ]

What We Offer

Leading social facilitation and stakeholder engagements on behalf of clients where fully established agencies seek to empower the local community.

Project Stakeholder Engagement Community

We assist clients in developing a social impact strategy, and further assist in initiating and implementing the strategy in a form of a programme and/or project.

Community Project Strategy

Bobby Roy recognises the importance of understanding the social, political and economic landscape of any community before engaging or implementing a project that affects it.

Community Project Research and Data Collection

Bobby Roy partners with reputable entities when taking an innovative & strategic approach to implement social impact projects and community development programmes.

Social Impact Projects Implementation



Effective stakeholder engagement develops a “social license” to operate, and depends on mutual trust, respect and transparent communication between a company and its stakeholders. Thereby it improves a company’s decision-making and performance by:


Effective engagement can help project proponents avoid costs, while its absence can be costly in terms of money, time and reputation;


Understanding and managing current and emerging issues such as tension around influx and employment opportunities;


Understanding a project’s impact on stakeholders, evaluating and reporting back on mechanism to address these impacts; and


By publicly recognising human rights and communities to identify; thus preventing and mitigating environmental and social impact that threaten project viability;


Consultations also provide the opportunity for a project team to become aware of, andmange, stakeholder attitudes and expectations.


Obtaining perceptions about a project which can act as a catalyst for changes and improvements in corporate practices and policies;

[ testimonials ]

What People Say

"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Anna Paulina
Client of Company
"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Pablo Gusterio
Client of Company
"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Kristina Lee
Client of Company
Community Project Research and Data Collection

Bobby Roy recognises the importance of understanding the social, political and economic landscape of any community before engaging or implementing a project that affects it.